The Endowment Fund is intended to be a "permanent endowment", which produces income to be used for special opportunities that enhance our commitment to Jesus Christ through the Ministry of Missions of First Presbyterian Church of Richland. It is composed of gifts and bequests managed by the Presbyterian Foundation for the benefit of First Presbyterian Church of Richland. The income produced is not intended to support day-to-day operations of the church as reflected in the annual operating budget (General Fund and Building Fund).
Gifts will be made to the Presbyterian Foundation to manage for the benefit of First Presbyterian Church of Richland. Donors are provided with the opportunity to give now, or plan now and give later through bequests, beneficiary designations, etc. Earnings from these funds fill be distributed in accordance with policies of the Presbyterian Foundation, for use by First Presbyterian Church of Richland.
Gifts may take many forms ~
Unrestricted Gifts: A gift whose income is to be used without restrictions. This type of gift offers the most flexibility, ensuring the quality programs of the Church.
Gifts of Cash, Life Insurance, Bonds, Securities, Real Estate, Tangible Gifts, Gifts for Endowment, Life Income, Memorial and Tribute, Gifts by Will, etc. will be considered for acceptance.
The office is happy to direct you to the right person if you have questions about the Fund.
The Committee Members ~ Sandy Carahaly, Lee Coverly, Harold Gobble, Jean Stafford (chair), Bob Tower, Mark Jennings
The Endowment Fund is intended to be a "permanent endowment", which produces income to be used for special opportunities that enhance our commitment to Jesus Christ through the Ministry of Missions of First Presbyterian Church of Richland. It is composed of gifts and bequests managed by the Presbyterian Foundation for the benefit of First Presbyterian Church of Richland. The income produced is not intended to support day-to-day operations of the church as reflected in the annual operating budget (General Fund and Building Fund).
Gifts will be made to the Presbyterian Foundation to manage for the benefit of First Presbyterian Church of Richland. Donors are provided with the opportunity to give now, or plan now and give later through bequests, beneficiary designations, etc. Earnings from these funds fill be distributed in accordance with policies of the Presbyterian Foundation, for use by First Presbyterian Church of Richland.
Gifts may take many forms ~
Unrestricted Gifts: A gift whose income is to be used without restrictions. This type of gift offers the most flexibility, ensuring the quality programs of the Church.
Gifts of Cash, Life Insurance, Bonds, Securities, Real Estate, Tangible Gifts, Gifts for Endowment, Life Income, Memorial and Tribute, Gifts by Will, etc. will be considered for acceptance.
The office is happy to direct you to the right person if you have questions about the Fund.
The Committee Members ~ Sandy Carahaly, Lee Coverly, Harold Gobble, Jean Stafford (chair), Bob Tower, Mark Jennings
Donor Form

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