We were so sorry to not have our October Rummage Sale, but it was safer to cancel. So, let's look to MAY and hope for the best!!
Presbyterian Women
Every women of the church is a "Presbyterian Woman". They make up an energetic group of busy friends who contribute a little time, or a lot, as their schedules allow. Please join in our fellowship and meetings whenever you can! If one of the projects listed below strikes your interest, give us a call and we'd welcome your help!
PW Purpose: Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to nurture our faith through prayer and bible study, to support the mission of the church worldwide, to work for justice and peace and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God's Kingdom.
Following are some of the projects led by the women of our congregation.
- Rummage Sale, spring and fall
- Pie Tent in the park during Fourth of July
- Supporting Samaritas
- Lenten brunch
- Quilting group: Baby quilt or afghan for each baby baptized
- Sewing for mission hospitals in Malawi and Zaire
- Summer picnic
- Kitchen cleaning
- Sunday coffee hour supplies
- Richland Presbyterian Church note cards
- Christmas cookies for shut-ins, sponsored by Church Women United
- Supporting Deng Alier and family in Africa and here
- Book group
Funds raised by Presbyterian Women generously support carefully selected missions each year.
When we DO have the sale, we'll be accepting gently used items on the Tuesday - Thursday before the sale, from 10 to 8 each day. We can always use tons of help setting up, organizing, pricing, folding, etc. When the time gets closer, look for the sign-up sheet and join in the fun!!
CONNECTED THREADS ~ We have several containers of yarn in various colors available to anyone wishing to stitch a project. If you're thinking of making hats and mittens for the Mitten Tree ~ or any other project ~ you are welcome to it. The yarn is in the room right next to the library. You don't need to be a Tuesday morning crafter to use the yarn but definitely feel free to join us whenever you can ~ 10:00 a.m. We work on a variety of projects from Prayer Shawls to mittens, with a lot of conversation. If you are interested in learning to knit or crochet, this is a great place to learn - or if you are experienced, come and share some tips with us!