The Rummage Sale Returns June 9th & 10th, 2023
Friday June 9th,
Saturday June 10th,
The times of the set-up days (the Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday before the sale) are ~
10:00 to 8:00 each day. We can ALWAYS use
help with sorting, pricing, putting away, and
mostly, clean up on Saturday at 11:00.
Come join us!
We have FUN!
You may begin bringing in your gently used items on Tuesday June 6, after the scouts set up the tables Monday night. We are asking you to NOT bring in the big, older style TV's, deep computer screens, microwave ovens, sleeper sofa's, or baby/children car seats! Thanks!
Thank you in advance to ALL the volunteers who put in countless hours, all week!
And a pre-thank you to those who will bring in and buy!! Without you, we're nothing :)
All monies goes to Presbyterian Women missions:
Church Women United; Kalamazoo Gospel Mission; Ministry with Community; Community Volunteers; Open Door; Loaves and Fishes: Richland Food Pantry; Shepherd's Center; and The Love Fund.